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Date Title Link
2025-01-28 ABCs of War [Link]
[DRAFT] Discusses warfare through the lens of the ABCs: Assault, Battle, and Control. Each concept is broken down, examined through history, and analyzed in the modern frameworks of mosaic and systems warfare.
2025-01-27 In Harmony [Link]
[DRAFT] Discusses the multiple meanings of harmony, building towards a unified version.
Date Title Link
2024-12-21 Progressives Then and Now: Tracing Managerial Racism from the 19th Century to Today [Link]
Date Title Link
2024-12-03 Dear Doctors: You Are the Scion of Nazis [Link]
2024-11-26 Dear Steven: You Have Less Face Than A Prostitute [Link]
2024-09-03 Dear Revolutionary: Steer Into A Skid [Link]
2023-03-14 Dear WarnerMedia: Remembering How to Dream [Link]
2022-12-22 Dear Amazon: A Trillion Reasons for Change [Link]
2022-03-01 Dear Disney: Without Respect We Reject [Link]
2021-01-25 Dear Amazon: A Warning About Financial Problems [Link]
2020-10-23 Dear WarnerMedia: A Warning About Bigotry [Link]
Section Description Link
Chapter 6 Implementing a narrative strategy. [Link]
Chapter 5 Discussion on crafting narrative strategies. [Link]
Chapter 4 Discussion on crafting narratives and triggering identity. [Link]
Chapter 3 Defines narrative warfare; related comments on usage. [Link]
Chapter 2 Elaborates on narratives and their relationship with stories. [Link]
Chapter 1 Defines what a narrative is; discusses what makes effective narratives. [Link]

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